Get Freecharge 100% cashback
Here you go now get a free ₹ 100 recharge from Freecharge 100% cashback, a must get offer for all freebie seekers, this offer can be simply understood simply by you will be getting ₹ 50 cashback while you make recharge of ₹ 50. Hurry up bag this offer as soon as you can.
Freecharge 100% cashback
Get ₹ 50 Recharge at Just ₹ 25 from Freecharge 100% cashback :
- Download Freecharge app : Android | Windows | IOS
- Register new account (Valid for new registrations only)
- Enter Recharge details
- Enter recharge amount as ₹ 50 or more
- Proceed next tap on Apply Promo code
- Use Promo Code : RWVPJA6
- Make you payment with credit card/debit card only, other modes are not applicable
- All Done make payment and get instant cashback
*About Offer:
- Each unique number recharged during this offer is eligible for Rs.50 cashback only once.
- Offer is valid on minimum transaction value of Rs.50.
- Offer is valid for new users on their first transaction only.
- Offer is valid only once per credit card/debit card/mobile number.
- Promocode has to be applied to avail the cashbacks.
- Offer is not valid on Wallet cash, Netbanking & Virtual Card Transactions.
- For every referred friend who recharges on the FreeCharge app for the first time using your promocode, both the referrer and referee will get Rs.50 as cashback.
- Max cashback that will be processed is Rs.50
- Maximum amount of wallet cash that can be earned via referring friends is Rs.5000.
- The code is applicable only on the FreeCharge Android/iOS/Windows app.
- For all other queries please email [email protected]
Post updated 🙂